Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Upcoming TAGteach Seminars

"Just how do you adjust what you know about clicker training an animal to make it successful with human learners?" was the question asked by Janet Velenovsky in her article for the July/August issue of APDT's Chronicle of the Dog. Her answer was, "attend a TAGteach seminar!".

Now you can build on your clicker training knowledge and turn it in to an advantage in every field imaginable: teaching, business, parenting, physical therapy and of course animal training. Experience how an audible marker, strategic reduction in language, and a preset point of focus is transforming the human learning experience.

Register now for an open TAGteach Certification Seminar or contact Theresa at to schedule a personalized seminar for your group.

Upcoming Seminars
Brisbane, Australia (9/11-12/2010) 
Christchurch, New Zealand(9/18-19/2010)
Hamburg, Germany (10/16-17/2010)
Los Angeles, CA (11/6-7/2010)
Tampa, FL (12/3-4/2010)
Franklin, IN (2/12-13/2011) 
Glastonbury, CT(3/11-12/2011)
Comments from a recent TAGteach seminar:

"The response from all attendees was unanimously positive. It is rare that professionals from different educational disciplines (teachers, OTs, consultants) all feel that the information from the training will be useful professionally. I clearly saw the benefits that can result from using TAGteach for both teachers and students. "
Maureen Bradshaw, MS-Director, ARLearn-Arkansas Department of Education

"It truly was one of the best trainings I have ever had the opportunity to attend. Thanks so much!"
Sheila Smith-Behavior Intervention Consultant

"Definitely was one of the best 2 days of training in 15 years." Laura McKenzie Cooke-Arkansas Department of Education

More info and to Register

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

More Praise for TAGteach with Autism

"I am a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and I heard about TAG at a conference presented by Julie Vargas. I have been using it for my students with autism and it has work well for every single one of them. I have used it for teaching a student to stay with his family as they walk around a track, have used it to teach games to children with autism,  have used it to shape writing behavior, and have used it to teach gross motor skills. I have not tried it with social skills yet, but I would think it would work for that as well! The thing I'm so impressed with about TAG is how fast the kids learn the target behavior. I have been working in the field of autism for over 13 years and have never seen anything work so quickly to shape behavior"
Jerusia Chasse

Jerusia will be hosting a TAGteach seminar in Glastonbury CT on Mar10/11, 2011